Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Target: Tel Aviv

Israel's War to Halt Palestinian Rocket Attacks -Dore Gold

After Israel's disengagement from Gaza, the number of confirmed rocket strikes against Israel increased by more than 500 percent.

The disengagement from Gaza led to the loss of Israeli control over the Philadelphi route between the Gaza Strip and Egyptian Sinai, allowing for a significant increase in the range and quantity of rockets in the Palestinian arsenal.

As long as the Philadelphi route is open for Hamas smuggling, the risk to Israel will grow as Iran exports rockets of increasing range to the Gaza Strip. The port of Ashdod is the next likely target, but should Fajr rockets reach Gaza, there is no reason why Hamas cannot pose a threat to Tel Aviv.
(Institute for Contemporary Affairs/Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)

Iran's Proxy in Gaza -Noah Pollak

Iran has invested heavily in Palestinian terrorism. Gaza exists for the Iranians as another forward operating base, a projection of power similar to but not as capable as Hizbullah.

The defeat of their proxy in Gaza would be a serious loss to Iran.

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