Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Desperate for jihad, not peace

Are Palestinians as Desperate as the West for Peace? -Barry Rubin

[A]ren't the Palestinians desperate for a solution, given all their suffering? The answer is no. The ideology of extremist nationalism and Islamism, the belief that total victory is possible, the miscomprehension of Israel and suspicion of the West are all still in place.

Indeed, who acts as if they desperately need a diplomatic solution right away and will pay anything to get it? Not the Palestinians or the Arab states, but the West and the U.S.
(Jerusalem Post)

1 comment:

LHwrites said...

It seems true. i use to be more skeptical of those who said the Palestinians really did not want peace and an agreement for a homeland, but it is hard to argue with events of the last couple of years that make you think they will not be satisfied while Israel still exists. I would not say the story is written yet, but the outline has not looked very good for some time.