Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Jihadi Goal

Growing Muslim Movement -Mark MacKinnon

[Their] goal is the establishment of a worldwide caliphate, a global Islamic empire. A newly assertive Hizb ut-Tahrir (Party of Liberation) has been showing its strength across the Muslim world, most impressively drawing 100,000 people to a soccer stadium in Indonesia earlier this month.

They noisily called for a return to the time of the caliphs, a line of centuries of Islamic rulers that ended with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire more than 80 years ago.
(Globe and Mail-Canada)

[Note from Bruce: To the western ear, this odd goal sounds unlikely as the Pope announcing that he wishes to return the Church to the relationship it had with Europe a few hundred years ago. However, this is precisely what the Jihadists are seeking...not just to rule the lands they live in, but to rule the world. Minus the religious fuel, this should sound disturbingly familiar.]


Palestinians Back Caliphate over Politics - Carolynne Wheeler
By night, a growing number of supporters of Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Islamic fundamentalists who reject modern democracy in favor of a pan-Islamic religious caliphate, gather in the West Bank to recruit the thousands who have grown disillusioned with the vicious stand-off between the secular Fatah and Islamist Hamas.
(Telegraph -- UK)

1 comment:

LHwrites said...

Scary and probably there us truth to it for some Muslime extremists. But, it seems these days, if you are any Muslim, or Russian, you seem to think the United States has the same goals in mind. Fortunately, as the current administration continues to implode, with W. comparing Iraq to Vietnam---'but in a good way', we will begin the move to where America is once again looked at as the Leader of the Free World instead of a childish bully.