Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Blame for Gaza

Who Lost Gaza? - Editorial

Increasingly, one hears that the disaster is the consequence of Israeli [or American] policies. It is necessary to insist, therefore, that the primary responsibility for Palestinian actions falls on Palestinians.

For many decades, the world has clamored for Palestinian self-determination. Well, Palestinian self-determination is here for all the world to see.
(New Republic)

Nationalist Suicide - Fouad Ajami

The Palestinians have lived for decades on a sense of historical entitlement. The world owed them a state...

The disorder now on full display is the harvest of Palestinian history. What we see is the inevitable fate of a movement given over to the cult of the gun.
(U.S. News)


LHwrites said...

Whether the anarchy of the Palestinians or Iraqis, all of this illustrates why we should have dedicated out Middle_East presence to protecting Israel and destroying Terrorists, such as if we had finished the job in Afghanistan. All of these events just show that we need to elave more of the problems of the middle east in the hands of the middle east, and just protect ourselves collaterally. Our actions in Iraq merely give cover and excuse for what these groups were going to do to each other anyway.

Bruce said...

I hear a hint of isolationalism in your comment[?] Such an approach may feel good...until Jihadists remind us that their goals are global.

LHwrites said...

No, not isolationist. I think you have to pick your battles more smartly. We created the mess in Iraq. And neither we, nor Israel, need to stop the Arab factions from killing each other. We need to police the borders so other countries like iran cannot use the situation for their advantage, and we need to help provide safe haven for those refugees we help to create that do not wish to be a part of the killing. When we try to figure out what is best, we are often wrong. Great Presidents and educated people have made errors, not to mention the absolute disasters of this incompetent redneck yokel---W. (my apologies to all other rednecks and yokels). The latest government surveys indicate (not counting the fiction put out by this Administration) that Al-Qaida is organized back up to pre Afghanistan invasion strength and that Iraq is not meeting any benchmarks. Part of the reason we shouldn't be doing many things is because we don't actually know what to do---and only make things worse.