Thursday, October 19, 2006

beautiful Canadian quote; Cyber Jihad & France

Harper: Canada "Not Neutral" in War Between Israel and Terrorists
- Mike Oliveira
Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised..."Those who seek to destroy the Jews, who seek to destroy Israel, will...ultimately seek to destroy us all. It is why Canada's new government has reacted with speed and spoken with clarity on the recent events in the Middle East."
(Toronto Star-Canada)

YouTube and the Cyber Jihad - Editorial
Civil-liberties advocates have constantly overlooked the very real danger of censorship enacted by private businesses fearful of Islamist rage.
(Washington Times)

France's Intifada - Arnaud de Borchgrave
Anti-Semitic incidents have proliferated in France in recent times, but the news seldom makes it across the Atlantic. The metropolitan Paris police tabulated 10 to 12 anti-Jewish incidents per day in the last 30 days throughout the country.
(Washington Times)

1 comment:

LHwrites said...

The Canadians are right of course. WHen truly evil things are going on in the world, it is important to have the moral upper hand and the strength to enforce it. Canada has the moral upper hand. We used to be viewed as having the strength and the moral imperative. Now the US is viewed as having neither. Perhaps, Saddam Hussein had a similar refrain, before the US invaded his sovereing nation to establish our idea of a "good government" as we went about killing Iraqi citizens, and torturing them, but for all the "right reasons" instead of for the "wrong reasons" Saddam did. If anything will be done about Iran and North Korea it will occur because the world leaders will put aside some financial concerns and unite against evil people with dangerous weapons. If not.... Whoever believes we can kill and torture and depose our way into a world of universal brotherhood where the US is deified and Israel is safe and unassailed, is either living on an inpatient psychiatric ward, or currently living in the White House.